Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Diet Of Fiber

I've been working on drop spindle spinning with silk, alpaca, and Norwegian wool lately as well as dyeing stuff. I'll let the photos do more of the talking here.

Also started a sweater for my daughter and a hat for my brother.

Staying active and busy.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Orange you glad I'm posting?

I've gone from a purple kick with my knitting and crochet to a new color... Orange! Our at least orangey themed hues. Hand spun hand blended yarn has been overdyed in rusty orange for a purse for my mom. Orange and black Norwegian wool spun to make tweedy halloweeny yarn. A hat in progress is predominantly orange. I'm loving the pop of color it gives everything.

Speaking of color pops, I managed tip successfully do my rainbow dye projects. Can't wait to spin and knit then.