Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bloomin' fool

Trio of jumpers (18 mo, 2T, 2T)
I got into a bit of a sewing fugue last night (I'm still awake as a result.) You see, I had made my wee daughter (now 13 months old) a really super cute jumper dress back a few months ago - a reversible jumper dress with even the shoulder buttons being reversible. I made two more for later on (ok I didn't intend them to be 'for later on' they just turned out bigger than I expected - but hey, kids grow, right? Lucky me, I also found some cute toddler pants on clearance to match the fabrics of those so she'll have a complete outfit once she reaches 3T.... but she's 12-18 month sized now, barely... she's a tiny gal!) Those grapey purple pants I found will go with the stripe/grapevine jumper. The denim/floral of course will be a cinch to match up with any little jeans, tights, or leggins. And of course, since these are 'grow with you' styling, they'll start as a dress and become a little top - truly a very wearable design (and I worked up the pattern on my own, though it is a timeless design seen all over - I measured her little tee-shirts and went from there.)

The reverse sides (18mo, 2T, 2T)
Anyway, this little jumper that fits is the zebra stripe on one side (pictured), and a black and white floral pattern on the other. Being that jumpers are pretty much all-season, I'd had red knit tights and a red long sleeved tee beneath it till this crazy Texas warm spell suddenly smacked us silly (whatever happened to the ice storms? geesh!) The red works well with either side, but she needs something more summery now. Enter the bloomers.

I traced a pair of her store-bought bloomer type shorts onto a scrap of wrapping paper. I buy wrapping paper on clearance after holidays - I never manage to use it all up but something in me can't resist a roll of pretty paper for $.50 or less. Well thankfully, wrapping paper makes for GREAT pattern paper.

Followed a random online tutorial for the gist, and voila, bloomers. They are a little high waisted, wanted to make sure even when she bends and crawls that her diaper is 100% covered up. Waist has some growing room, legs too. Very comfy shape, thankfully it turned out on the first try. They'll look so cute with her jumper. Probably even wear it today if it gets into the 80's like the weather man says it will. After washing, the ruffles kind of shrink up a bit and show more background fabric, but they still have that super-cute effect and will definitely complete the outfit. Now she just needs some shoes to match.... hmmm.... I don't *really* need any sleep now, do I?

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