Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Well I'd blogged long ago on livejournal, and blogged in myspace, but I've kind of lost the steam for spouting my guts on screen. This blog will be dedicated to my crafty bits and positive postings, nothing grumpy or gripey - I hope. There is too much blah in the world to spend my time being a Debbie Downer.

I'm a full time mother to four wonderful kiddos and a part time friend to one step-kiddo who I don't get to see so much these days. I spend my 'free' time (is there ever a free moment with kids?) crafting and being artsy, surfing and reading, and of course - addicted to facebook and games.

I have a number of craft (I prefer the term 'Artisan') skills under my belt - beading, crochet, knitting (newbie) are my three top favorites. I also have tackled other crafts and home arts from paper making to lampwork, sewing to baking. I tend not to be terribly skilled with anything that has a lot of steps or planning. I *HATE* having to pin things. Sift the flour? Yeah right. I don't throw caution to the wind, but I do like shortcuts in most projects. BUT, that said, I do tend to bite off more than I think I might be able to chew...  I leap right into a large scale project with both feet, and then learn how to swim. I went right from a practice knit swatch to making slipper socks. Jumped right in to bead embroidery and cranked out a county fair ribbon winner after learning how to make a bezel. No need to practice a lot, once I've got a little feel for the steps involved it's game on.

Currently I'm working on a first for me. First stranded color work project. I did a swatch (rare for me) because it has to fit just right. It's for my little bro'. And he's 3000 miles away. So there is no checking for fit between steps, it has to be PERFECT. I've never done stranded knitting, and never done design from scratch. I've only been knitting a little over a year. I can count my finished knitting projects on one hand, sort of - two pair baby socks that don't stay on (baby socks never do anyway, right?) some slightly too-big knit hand warmers (admittedly, I never had the hands here to test fit, and guessed on size), four phone socks, two pair slipper socks, and three basic beanie hats. Most of that seems like busy work, and not so much 'fun'. So this project, a fully customized chullo (South American inspired ear flap hat) with five colors involved (two at a time for the contrast band) is a challenge. I will just knit till it looks like a hat that will fit my brother's square head. And then it will be done. Thankfully, he took a measurement for me (I did my own at Christmas but forgot to write it down, eek!)

I'm on Ravelry under MoonKatz - and have posted a couple of images there. Will post finished work here when I get to that point.

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